Mike Diamond

Cuts a Clear Path to Sobriety

Alcohol, Opioids, Cocaine, and other substances cause addiction that kills thousands of Americans each year. Substance use disorder impacts millions of lives in the United States, leading to chronic mental health conditions. Since it affects the brain’s normal functions, people still repeatedly use illegal substances or engage in abnormal behaviors that lead to harmful consequences. Addiction can destroy lives, marriages, careers, and friendships, also threatening human health and safety.

Statistics say

Mike Diamond
Considering these statistics, more and more people have concluded that therapy is the only way to get through such challenging situations. Alcohol is the most widely used in the USA, but unfortunately, it is left untreated. Alcohol addiction can be damaging to e person’s mental, physical, and social health. Every year, across the world, alcohol causes 5.3% of deaths.

Statistics on Alcohol Addiction

Over 300 million people depend on alcohol, whether they are not feeling able to function or survive without it, and thus, drinking becomes important. Sometimes, alcohol becomes the most important factor in someone’s life. People with alcohol addiction notice that they need to drink more to feel the same effects. Unfortunately, over 88,000 Americans die as a result of alcohol usage, and about 15 million American adults have an alcohol use disorder. Not receiving treatment led to further addiction and health concerns.

Addiction specialist, Mike Diamond, provides expert advice on where you should look for help if you are drinking excessively.

Mike Diamond is a much-admired author, TV personality, Guinness World Recorder Holder, motivational speaker, and famous interventionist. His story may perfectly match yours, as it’s both inspiring and educational. Mike Diamond’s journey to find the best version of himself took every piece of his being to fly over addiction and alcohol use. His process took about 16 years, and luckily, Mike Diamond succeeded in sharing his story, and teaching others like him how to change their lives.

From struggling with drug addiction, Mike has become an author and Guinness World Record Holder.

He was born in an unhealthy environment, just like most of you out there; raised unhealthily, and into a nation where you must “Work hard, play hard,” which he took too personally. Surprisingly, Mike started his drink addiction in his early teen years. All he did was play football and party hard in pubs, get into fights, and all these activities that only led him to destroy himself. Later on, Mike’s drug addiction started unexpectedly when he was at the gym. He looked a bit inactive, slow, and tired – so someone offered him cocaine. With no second thoughts, Mike accepted it. Since then, it didn’t take him long before he found himself addicted to this substance and started to live this hardcore lifestyle. At some point, he became so used to taking cocaine that it was no longer a reason to consume it – it had become a habit. Although Mike achieved everything he ever dreamed of, such as being a television star, acting, and living the Hollywood dream – he sensed that it was about time to become “clean.”

Mike Diamond decided to adopt simple ways to become sober and was determined to achieve it at all costs. So, he went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. If you’re in Mike’s shoes right now, the best thing you can do is surround yourself with people who try to better themselves, as you will feel more encouraged and motivated to take action. On the same page, if one surrounds themselves with people who take drugs, they’ll do it too; surround yourself with people who want to get sober, you’ll do it too. So, people who went to Alcoholic Anonymous were sober for over 15 years by the time, which was something that Mike felt like doing. He admired those people, as they were an example, a reason to push Mike towards the path of achieving what he has today.

Mike Diamond

Once Mike found himself accomplishing sobriety, he also decided to use his own experiences and help others with addiction. He didn’t plan to become a sober coach, not at all. But he taught people to make better decisions through mindfulness and meditation. Unexpectedly, people ended up victorious and won the fight against their addiction. Ever since then, people started to refer Mike to others, and that’s how he began to receive all those messages asking for assistance. Mike Diamond began to travel across the nation, looking for people who needed his help. Sometimes, he decided to dedicate his time to one single person, regardless if he spent weeks or months with them – the process of fighting addiction had Mike overpass his ego and help others survive their everyday lives.

It was only a matter of time until Mike decided to use all of his teachings and advice and transpose them into a book. He was giving people advice and speeches on alcohol and drug addiction, so he realized that those strategies could be presented in actionable ways that anyone can follow to combat their addiction. That’s how “7 Steps to an Unbreakable Mindset” was born and soon turned into a huge success. Now, his book is such a source of inspiration for those of you looking to beat addiction and get back to their happy and healthy lives. Mike Diamond has already helped people from across the world to overcome addiction issues – his speeches and book helped millions of people reach their full potential and overcome addiction.

His only purpose is to inspire and give people the strength to feel motivated, so he doesn’t only do it through speeches but also his extraordinary actions. His actions consist in running 30 half marathons in 1 month to help with a charity that supports a young girl suffering from a rare autoimmune disease. Although Mike also struggles with some medical problems, he managed to work through them. This brought Mike a lot of satisfaction but also the Guinness World Record for running.

Mike’s Advice for Those Who Want to Get Rid of Their Shady Habits And Accomplish a Lifetime of Success

Mike Diamond’s advice for those struggling with addiction is to set realistic goals and do whatever is needed to achieve them. If you decide to make drastic changes, you might soon get overwhelmed. So, try something achievable, like going to parties without drinking – try it for one month. From there, you can take the leads and see how you can improve yourself. See what you can work on with no excuses, and find the path that leads you to a more satisfied and happier self.

The road to recovery is difficult and painful. After dealing with addiction and unhealthy living, Mike brings his book on the market, showing the world his personal experience with dyslexia, chronic illness, and addiction. All of you out there can overcome your barriers and achieve success, no matter the misfortunes. Mike explains that the secret to overcoming addiction is setting realistic goals and taking things carefully, one step at a time. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself; aiming too high can have adverse effects. Instead, create smaller goals, leading to much better progress. Being constant with your choices is what leads you to success.

Another essential thing that Mike recommends to people feeling stuck and incapable of overcoming their addiction is to embrace healthier eating and exercising. Pay careful attention to what you’re eating and go to the gym. No excuses, do it for several months and see how your life changes and how easier it will be to achieve your addiction goals. Food has a substantial impact on people’s mental and physical health. Making wiser food choices is something that’s going to bring you significant success. Also, Mike agrees that eating healthier and exercising is not what will stop your addiction. He always points out the fact that you need to look deep down into yourself and find the determination to push through each obstacle to help accomplish long-term success.

Mike Diamond

Motivation comes and goes, it’s true, but discipline and consistency are what help you keep ongoing. When feeling down or unmotivated, look back and remember why you started. Your purpose should guide you and help you stay on the right track. What Mike is trying to say is that anyone is capable of making lifestyle changes for the better. Success is more related to how determined you are, not how talented you are. Eventually, your daily habits will foster your mindset, which will lead you to a much happier and healthier life.

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